Exhibition of Exhibitions

A number of online exhibitions relating to the heritage of peace, social justice and non-violent change in Australia already exist.

Here are some of them. (All of these links are to external sites.)

Against the Odds: The victory over conscription in World War One

The Australian Living Peace Museum and the Brunswick Coburg Anti-Conscription Commemoration Campaign have produced a digital story for the Culture Victoria website on the anti-conscription campaign of World War One as seen from the northern Melbourne suburbs of Brunswick and Coburg. The digital story can be seen here.


World War 1: Quaker witness to peace and nonviolence

This exhibition tells the story of Quakers’ commitment to peacemaking, their opposition to militarism, and their active role in the provision of relief to the victims of war in Europe during and after World War 1. It can be found here.


Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament(CICD)

The CICD has produced an exhibition commemorating the 76th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic weapons on the 6th & 9th August 1945. A video of this exhibition can be seen here.


Unitarian Half Hour (3CR) recording of ALPM launch

The 2024 launch of the ALPM's Peace Honour Roll, and Melbourne Walking Tour, were recorded by the 3CR Radio show Unitarian Half Hour. The first half of the recording can be found here and the second half is here.